
" i don't know who you are , but leave .    my mother wishes to see no one today . "


" clovis ... it's been a long time. "


            Clovis smiled upon this and simply pecked her lips. "Well in that case Padmé this I must comply. After all it's your request." 


            " don't worry , i'm fine , " she sighed , leaning into his touch . " and ... please , call me padmé . we don't need to address each other so formally . "


            Rush frowned and sighed heavily as he wrapped a arm around her. "My apologies milady didn't mean to bring that up.  " he lifted her chin up.  "I would never put you in harms way ."


it wasn’t unusual for a target to be set on a politician’s head  .  they were the most common  .  some people liked them  ,  other’s didn’t  .  this time  ,  a bounty was set on a senator  ,  and she was hesitant  ,  but she was still going to do the job  .  so  ,  knowing the one place that wouldn’t be guarded on the inside  ,  was the little apartment that this senator was to stay in during his time on coruscant  .  that was where the assassin was  .  she carelessly sat in the darkness  ,  and out in the open  ,  waiting for the senator to arrive at any moment  .


this message may be offensive
he had a weapon  ?  shit  .  quickly ducking behind a pillar  ,  she drew her own blaster with a swarm of curses falling from her mouth  .
            “  good  .  i like a challenge  .  “  she shouted back  ,  just narrowly avoiding his shot before she managed to get behind the pillar  .  from there  ,  she peaked around the edge  ,  waiting for him  .


            Clovis dropped the items he had on his hands without any hesitation and rolled out of the way hiding from her view behind the wall as he pulled out his own weapon from his holster.
            "Whoever you are, you won't succeed with your mission I assure you I'm not easy to catch or kill." He shouted as he crawled out of view aiming at the woman across the room firing straight at her chest.


the lights nearly made her wince  ,  but thankfully her eyes knew how to adjust quickly  .  there the woman sat  ,  horns and violet skin visible as she watched the politician with golden hues  .  “  doesn’t matter  .  you won’t know it for long  .  “  her voice softly slid into the air as she got up  ,  showing off the blaster upon her hip  .  “  someone paid good money for your head  ,  handsome  .  “


/  imma just  —  snatch that mbv


/  ayy xD mind if i drop something  ??