
Merry Christmas Everyone. I'm spending Christmas in the hospital because my younger brother just had surgery on Wednesday so I hope that you guys will pray for a healthy recovery. What he went through is going to be scaring for a kid his age. How my mom went through it I have no idea. My brother just has a Colostomy so he can't eat for at least 3 months and has to wear a bag. Thanks and let's hope nothing happens to him.  


Merry Christmas Everyone. I'm spending Christmas in the hospital because my younger brother just had surgery on Wednesday so I hope that you guys will pray for a healthy recovery. What he went through is going to be scaring for a kid his age. How my mom went through it I have no idea. My brother just has a Colostomy so he can't eat for at least 3 months and has to wear a bag. Thanks and let's hope nothing happens to him.  


Hey people. I wanna ask you guys to send me some ideas on how the turtle boys meet the girls for a second time because I have no clue what I should write next. Please and Thank you. If I like the idea I'll mention you in the part. So yeah, thanks you again audience and BYE!!!