
Been on hiatus because of Creator's/writer's block, but I'm back and I'm gonna try and update everyday or every other day


My newest story, paint the town green, in a nutshell is about a girl who goes to college to meet a boy, but not just any boy, he's a boy with a secret mission that she must uncover. But who can she really trust? And will she be able to stop Antisepticeye from poisoning the whole town?
          It's pretty much a Jacksepticeye fanfiction, so if you don't like that YouTuber I'm sorry ;-; I am working on a small autobiography called spirit too, it's about my religious change from Christianity to Wicca, it explains why and gives some details on my life that encouraged that change.. it's currently trending in the controversy tag so I'm grateful for that XD


Hello all! I'm trying to get back into Wattpad, I do my best to maintain a schedule of updates (at least for the antisepticeye fanfic) once a day/twice a week depending on how much writer's block I have... and I hope that you all are still with me, all four of you XD