
A/N I'm  sure not sure if anyone is even reading. But this storyline has been in my mind for s very long time. I know it's unsual and I over analyze a lot but I promise it gets  better. I love odd pairings and will getbaccused of straight washing Arizona Robbins. I have identified as a lesbian most of my life.  My attraction to AR has outlasted them all.  Ask my girlfriend. Lmao. But mostly I believe in fluidity. I believe in who you love. Not how you love. I'm open to suggestions om current HOW HE HAPPENED● or new Arizona Robbins (female,male,they,them) (No Calzona) Sorry! 


@Cactus2320 thank you! I gets better. I had also cut out a lot of more graphic az/Mark sexy time because I wasn't sure people would be okay with it. I have it all written out ages ago but have rewritten along the way. Lol


@SexyArizona69 im enjoying it so far 


A/N I'm  sure not sure if anyone is even reading. But this storyline has been in my mind for s very long time. I know it's unsual and I over analyze a lot but I promise it gets  better. I love odd pairings and will getbaccused of straight washing Arizona Robbins. I have identified as a lesbian most of my life.  My attraction to AR has outlasted them all.  Ask my girlfriend. Lmao. But mostly I believe in fluidity. I believe in who you love. Not how you love. I'm open to suggestions om current HOW HE HAPPENED● or new Arizona Robbins (female,male,they,them) (No Calzona) Sorry! 


@Cactus2320 thank you! I gets better. I had also cut out a lot of more graphic az/Mark sexy time because I wasn't sure people would be okay with it. I have it all written out ages ago but have rewritten along the way. Lol


@SexyArizona69 im enjoying it so far 