
Help Needed Please. 
          	As you may know, I am writing an online story called Missing in the Sonic Multiverse. It’s taking time because I’m trying to get it right and I need your help. I am Autistic if you didn’t already know and sometimes struggle to understand people, even fictional characters. I would love your opinions about some of the Sonic Characters and what you think their personalities and characters are like. Here’s the characters I need help with
          	I’d really appreciate your help with who they are, I’m putting together my own opinions in the story aswell but I would love your take on them too. I hope I’m explaining myself right and look forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.


@ShadowLOVER1344 Oop- forgot, sry. I’ve been freaking out over the PMs getting taken away.
          	  Rouge is a kind yet sneaky character though. She loves jewels and teasing Knuckles. She flirts a lot, even if there’s no feelings behind it, and some people head canon (including me), that she gives platonic kisses. And despite being rude sometimes, she’s a nice person. Oh, and she loves make up. She’ll spend hours on that.


@Izzy_Existence  Have you written a personality note about Rouge yet? Just out of curiosity.


@ShadowLOVER1344 No, I haven’t gotten to it, sorry.


Help Needed Please. 
          As you may know, I am writing an online story called Missing in the Sonic Multiverse. It’s taking time because I’m trying to get it right and I need your help. I am Autistic if you didn’t already know and sometimes struggle to understand people, even fictional characters. I would love your opinions about some of the Sonic Characters and what you think their personalities and characters are like. Here’s the characters I need help with
          I’d really appreciate your help with who they are, I’m putting together my own opinions in the story aswell but I would love your take on them too. I hope I’m explaining myself right and look forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.


@ShadowLOVER1344 Oop- forgot, sry. I’ve been freaking out over the PMs getting taken away.
            Rouge is a kind yet sneaky character though. She loves jewels and teasing Knuckles. She flirts a lot, even if there’s no feelings behind it, and some people head canon (including me), that she gives platonic kisses. And despite being rude sometimes, she’s a nice person. Oh, and she loves make up. She’ll spend hours on that.


@Izzy_Existence  Have you written a personality note about Rouge yet? Just out of curiosity.


@ShadowLOVER1344 No, I haven’t gotten to it, sorry.


Hi everyone! I saw the trailer for Sonic x Shadow Generations this morning, and while I don't like the original Sonic Generations game, I'm mostly getting Sonic x Shadow Generations just to play as Shadow.
          I also think the title is super cute and funny(funny in a good way, not a bad way.).


Attention, everyone! I have an announcement to make! I will be publishing, some parts of my Sonic OC Book so you know what the characters look like. My 1st book is coming along nicely though, it won’t be out for a few months though, but don’t worry I will get back to writing it  in February.
          That’s all for now! Bye everyone and happy New Year!