
I am writing here today to inform everyone that I will be deleting my wattpad within the next few days. I've noticed recently that some folks on here have decided to take a very non-literal concept out of context and assume I was shipping myself with a killer. For several reasons including but not limited to that information I am no longer active on wattpad nor do I have time to write in wake of having a child to take care of. I am deeply sorry for the people who waited for updates on books and who have supported me through some of my roughest moments in life but I don't have the time anymore. As for those who believe that young ramblings of a 13-15 year old obsessed with creepyPasta as anything but a fan fiction need to fuckin help. I was a child when Lost in Love was released and I have since grown and realized how cringy the whole book was. I however know that I was not shipping myself with a killer and I know that Jeff was not a big softy but it's hard to imagine that fan fiction doesn't change the perspective of a character when it's not real.


I am writing here today to inform everyone that I will be deleting my wattpad within the next few days. I've noticed recently that some folks on here have decided to take a very non-literal concept out of context and assume I was shipping myself with a killer. For several reasons including but not limited to that information I am no longer active on wattpad nor do I have time to write in wake of having a child to take care of. I am deeply sorry for the people who waited for updates on books and who have supported me through some of my roughest moments in life but I don't have the time anymore. As for those who believe that young ramblings of a 13-15 year old obsessed with creepyPasta as anything but a fan fiction need to fuckin help. I was a child when Lost in Love was released and I have since grown and realized how cringy the whole book was. I however know that I was not shipping myself with a killer and I know that Jeff was not a big softy but it's hard to imagine that fan fiction doesn't change the perspective of a character when it's not real.


Hello everyone. Today I come here to write some sad news. 
          I will be deleting some of my books off of my account. As some of you have noticed, I'm not on here as much as I used to be and while I do plan to become more active in the future I don't know when that will be. A lot of my stories don't make me as happy as they used to and so I will be removing the ones I see the most flaws in. I am truly thankful for all the support and time each and every one of of you had to offer. As of write now the stories that will be removed will be 
          Shy for the fox
          Vampires mistake (This will come back but sadly a manwha came out called blood bank that is way to close to how this story was written and I was being accused of copying even though my story was written before BB came out."
          Welcome home
          and School house love. 
          There are a few more that may get removed and I'm sorry to those who enjoyed what these books had to offer but I'm not happy with them. I hope everyone understands...Thank you


Hey everyone, it has been a while since I've posted anything but Im here to answer a few questions and make some announcements.
          Q: Is lost in love ending.
          A: No. I still have more I want to write but i don't know how much longer I'll be making it.
          Q: Why haven't you updated.
          A: That is personal information that no one needs to know. When I'm  comfortable with sharing I will.
          Q: Will you be working on your other books soon? 
          A: Yes. 
          1. I have been struggling a lot with depression and anxiety which has kept me from posting but I'm getting help and I'll be posting more.
          2. Two or more of my books will be taken down and rewriten for my mental state. 
          3. My book Vampires mistake will be taken down and plot redone as it closely relates to a webtoon called Bloodbank. Please know that i was writing this book before Bloodbank came out but finished before I continued my book. The characters will be the same but the plot of the story will change.
          I apologize again for any inconveniences I may have caused and thank you to anyone who has stuck around this long. I promise to try harder.


Hey, I thought you'd like to know that I'm Lightingstar123... I just forgot my password so I had to make a new account.. don't believe me? Ask me something only she might know


I understand


@Honeybaby263 its not really anything i feel comfortable talking about. I'm sorry


What happened?


Hey i really like you jeff x toby story. Please check mine out, its called hatchets and carved smiles. Thanks


@ShadowSaint2400 thank you. I shall work on it when i finish your story


@DrearyRaindrop I have read it an its amazing. Keep up the great work.


Ask a Creepypasta!!
          I will be posting the answers to "Ask a Creepypasta" today after work is over. 
          Unfortunately I only have four questions that have been answered and it would be pointless to post an update such as this with no questions or answers. So please ask as many questions as you want on the last update. Thanks and happy scares!


Hey guys. I won't be on for a while. Something came up and I need time to think it over. Until then, there won't be any updates. I swear when everything blows over, I'll update every single one of my stories. I'm sorry. Best of luck to all my followers and readers.