
Aah, I do apologize to anyone who was interested in the book only to be turned off by the constant revisions, or whatever. I'm using this novel to teach myself things. . . Hopefully when it's done I'll be a better writer overall.


I meant to make the previous post an announcement but whatever. If you haven't looked at my book Unworthy of Legends in awhile maybe check out till chapter 8, give some feedback. It's my most recent revision and Rewrite. Entire chapters we're completely redone and several important scenes were changed. 


*looks around at the emptiness* man creating a following is hard when you're constantly disappearing and also just endlessly rewriting. But on the bright side I feel like I'm getting closer to something I'm happy with. I don't know if anyone will read but I'm enjoying the process so I don't think it matters too much. 
          I've started another rewrite, you can see where I'm at by which chapters have names next to them. Woo for me. As of writing this I'm at chapter 8


*emerges from the shadows, looking gaunt and sleep deprived* I've returned, I don't know who still cares but the one unworthy of legends has an official cover now. It's also gone through major revisions and edits. If you haven't read in awhile the story has been revamped a bunch all the way till chapter 13. I'm steadily working on more while also talking to an artist and anticipating a webtoon series in the future. 
          Wooo, I do apologize for the radio silence, also happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas


>.> I have once again changed the beginning of "TOUL" That's what I'ma call it from now on lol, anyways the new beginning is like a mash between the original and the old one. Anyways, been thinking about the story a bit recently. tho I'm rather busy IDK when I'll get back to writing proper


Update: The current prologue of 'The One Unworthy of Legends' is Getting Pushed back more chapters, There will be a new prologue and six new chapters before it. Chapters one and two will follow Skarlet and Cody respectively, Chapters three and four will take place a year after the previous chapters and will follow Skarlet and Cody respectively, Chapters five and six will also be jumping a year. Chapter seven will be what was the original prologue and will also have a year gap between it and six, the purpose of these chapters is to tell important stories and events from both Cody's and Skarlet's lives before the true story begins in Chapter seven. It outlines Skarlet's reoccurring misfortunes and Cody's rise to the position of hero, these are the events that contribute the most to making the characters who they were at the original beginning of the story.


So, while working I started having inspiration for The One Unworthy of Legends. I'm going to be changing the prologue to like chapter 4 or something. I'll be writing a new prologue and then I'll write a few chapters to flesh out Skarlet's fears and anxiety so they have a root readers can empathize with. I'm still writing Volume 2 as well, I've been holding off on writing cause I didn't want to write solely to push the page count, but seeing as I'm getting inspiration I'll likely start writing again. though I struggle so much with properly fleshing a story lol. I'll have scenes that are well-written descriptively, describing characters by weaving descriptions into necessary text, describing smell and location, etc. but most of my writing lacks adequate description. I need to spend time fleshing out Volume 1


@ShadowWalker83995 I recommend watching and/or reading the genre you are writing. Interacting with the genre may give you inspiration in your slump


@ShadowWalker83995 Ok good luck. I;m trying to write a book too, and I haven't touched it in like 2 months ahahah....