
Is it possible for me to take over Wolves and Their Panther Runt? I really liked the story and I’m so sad that you ended it but I can continue, I already have the next chapter written in a rough draft. But it’s totally ok if you don’t want me too. I hope you are well and please get back to me whenever you get the chance too ☺️.


@Emma04577 Aww, okay. I gotcha jobs definitely can take a lot outta you. Well if you ever do pls hit me up, ill definitely read it 


@TheGhettooo00 unfortunately I haven’t heard anything from the author, I could write something similar but it will take time since I work a full time job 


@Emma04577 pls tell me you have or are writing something similar since you haven't gotten permission from the author? I really need some closure atp 


          I saw that you have been following Fallen behind story of eight brothers. 
          I have started to write a continuation of it, I hope you can give it a go and give me feedback. 
          Thank you. 
          Here is the link to the book. 