
I've finished drafting the plan for Earth to Earth Season 1! 
          	Now all that's left is for me to start writing! 
          	My plan is 21k words. 
          	Friends, I think it's going to take me a while. 
          	Mostly because I've gone back to university! And my full time roster is keeping me very busy! 
          	I'm trying my best to complete the re-write. Please be patient with me <3


I've finished drafting the plan for Earth to Earth Season 1! 
          Now all that's left is for me to start writing! 
          My plan is 21k words. 
          Friends, I think it's going to take me a while. 
          Mostly because I've gone back to university! And my full time roster is keeping me very busy! 
          I'm trying my best to complete the re-write. Please be patient with me <3


Hey everyone! 
          I know it's been a month since I announced I was going on Hiatus, but I promise you I am working on the book, I just have less time than I'd like to work on it. Unfortunately, I have made the decision to rewrite the entire book in third person, as I think it will work better from a storytelling perspective. 
          Don't worry too much though! Aside from the perspective changing, there will be a little bit of shuffling with the episodes.
          And wah-la! The re-write will be complete!


I'm taking a short Hiatus!?
          Don't fret!
          Despite suffering from a month long writers block, I found the cure! I am re-writing the beginning of my story as I have found a consistent trend on both Wattpad and Tapas. Due to most readers losing interest after the first few chapters, and my general disappointment with it, I shall be re-writing the beginning. 
          I will make it better.
          I don't know how. 
          But I'm sure it's going to work out fine...probably. 
          Anyway! Uploads will continue as usual shortly! Sorry to leave the story at such a point, but it won't be forever. 
          May the words be with you! 