
Really want someone to cuddle with and binge watch BTS RUN while eating pints of ice cream, is that too much to ask?


Omg quick question. I another I'm texting this early but on What you don't know. Is over. Like I'm on chapter 41 or so. But I want to know if you you keep going or of that's it. Because I don't see an epilogue. So...yea I'm just scared I want to see what happens next!!!!


hyeeee!! i'm just wondering if 'what you don't know' have an epilogue or something. and i love that book so much it's GREAT!!! but anyway have a good day! or night :3


@Shakespeare_panda thanks for the info ^^ and goodluck on working on the epilogue!! ❤❤


@yoonmunchkin hello  it's supposed to have an epilogue, but I hit a bit of a wall in figuring out how I wanted it to go. I'm still working on a draft of it, i just don't know when it will ever be done . And thank you for reading it and enjoying the story!!


That priceless moment when you're discussing a viking romance saga and your professor tactfully explains a character's mild gay panic over his newly discovered hand fetish that he thinks is for another man, but is really a girl dressed as a man (which he doesn't know yet) and then he spends 5 years thinking about it before he learns the truth and marries her...but for 5 years he thinks he's attracted to a dainty Male's hand