
Just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate each and everyone of you, truly. I’m usually responding to each person individually. However, for some reason I am no longer able to do that.  I guess Wattpad has some new security measures in place to stop spam and bots.  I’m only able to reply to so many people per day now.  However, I will follow everyone that adds or reads my books.  That’s the only way that I can personally acknowledge each one of you.  Again thanks for all of the support.


@ShantaAddison fyi your book is on the novel world app. That is how I found you


@SamanthaApplewhite  Thanks for reading.  I appreciate you reaching out to me with feedback.  It mama a lot.


Just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate each and everyone of you, truly. I’m usually responding to each person individually. However, for some reason I am no longer able to do that.  I guess Wattpad has some new security measures in place to stop spam and bots.  I’m only able to reply to so many people per day now.  However, I will follow everyone that adds or reads my books.  That’s the only way that I can personally acknowledge each one of you.  Again thanks for all of the support.


@ShantaAddison fyi your book is on the novel world app. That is how I found you


@SamanthaApplewhite  Thanks for reading.  I appreciate you reaching out to me with feedback.  It mama a lot.


I really enjoyed Unconditional Love. So much angst and betrayal but still there was love and laughter. My only criticism is that all the names/nicknames were confusing because there were so many. Otherwise this story was really good. I hope you keep writing. 


Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it.  


I wanted to share I have never messaged an author but I am halfway through “Unconditional Love” have no idea how it ends yet, but I can say this is one of my favorite books on any platform. Your character building, storytelling, and way of unfolding layer by layer is impeccable. I’m so invested in all these characters and my allegiances keep changing, which I think is a great sign. I also have your other book in my TBR list and I didn’t even realize it was by the same author, so now I’m excited for more drama! 
          Great job! I hope you keep writing. 
          Thanks for your energy❤️


I want more of unconditional love I spent only three days reading both books and you are amazing  lol but you can't leave me in suspense like this I want more ❤️


This time around is the sequel.  Thanks for your support. 


I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone one who had taken the time to read, comment, and vote for my books.  I wrote these because I was bored and thought, ‘why not’.  
          I never imagined that I would get the response that I did, and I’m grateful.  Grateful for all of your support and for God allowing me to have this experience.
          As of today, Unconditional Love is number one in the Heartbreak category and This Time Around is number seven in Letting Go.
          Again thank you all and even though I thought I was going to be one and done, I think with the feedback I have received, I’ll probably give it another try.  Who knows?  
          Please keep commenting, I enjoy reading them.


Well I should have added that Unconditional Love is also number one in Cheating and number two in Betrayal.   


I just want to take a moment to thank all of you again for your support and taking the time to read my books.  I can't put in words how much it means to me.  However, I want to share that Unconditional Love is #23 in cheating and #16 in broken friendship.  This Time Around is #7 in letting go, #20 in new beginnings and #319 in new books out of  186K. 
          It all due to God's Grace and all of you.  Thank you all so much.