
Hey guys! First things first, I should apologize. I literally vanished. I have some family stuff going on, including some other crap. I sincerely apologize for not updating. I will do so as soon as possible. 
          	Thank you all for staying with me and reading. 
          	Also, 727 views!!!!!!xkgnxgxgmngxnxgxgmxkggkxxkgxkgxkgjfxm m. SO PUMPED. Thank you!!!!!


Hey guys! First things first, I should apologize. I literally vanished. I have some family stuff going on, including some other crap. I sincerely apologize for not updating. I will do so as soon as possible. 
          Thank you all for staying with me and reading. 
          Also, 727 views!!!!!!xkgnxgxgmngxnxgxgmxkggkxxkgxkgxkgjfxm m. SO PUMPED. Thank you!!!!!


If any of my readers are upset about how the new chapter, chapter 29, ended, I am giving away a spoiler, if you don't want one, do not continue to read downward. 
          In chapter 30, because Eileen didn't get any answers from Snape about the letter and photograph, she goes to Dumbledore for answers. He gives them to her, and she flees to her room. COMMENT IF U WANT ME TO DO THIS FOR EVRY NEW CHAPTER OR NOT!!! THANK U!! 
          Love you all


Hey, guys! Just to let you know, I posted a new 'story' on here. It's kinda a place where I put my idea's for stories I want to write in the future. IF you all vote on them, the one with the highest vote count will be my next work. That is IF you vote. And I would appreciate it if you did. Feel free to give me feedback on them as well. Is there something you want to be changed in the story line? a character? Let me know! I love you all!! Thanks to the lot of you!


Hey, guys!!! Just looked at my stats, and I have 164 views!!! That's more than I could've dreamed of!! I love you all, you're so amazing, Please vote and comment, it means the world to me! Even your views mean everything! Love you all!