
Hey everyone! I take a lot of my precious time writing for you guys. Time when I should be busy studying because I dont have time. I have college applications to do, exams to study for, in short, my life is a mess right now. But even in all this mess, I want to write; one reason being, ofcourse it's my passion to write but an equally important reason is for you guys. It does not even take a second to vote, and if I cannot even have that then I'm sorry. I dont want to waste my time that can very usefully be utilized. Tell me that you don't like it and I will delete it off. Thank you.


You're welcome, in fact thank you for the information and also no problem♡♡


@GeetRVR thank you ♡ I'm sorry for replying so late 


@ Shawmila_Noelle  Oh!! I'm really very very sorry!! My truly heartfelt condolences to you and her family


Hello everyone!
          This is Shivani_SwaSan, one of Shawmila_Noelle's friends. I have a devastating news with me about her and I'm sorry to break this here like this but... She is no more between us now. She passed away last year due to Covid during the second wave. We, her online friends came to know about it a couple of days before and today we are declaring it here.
          Her leaving us like this was a huge shock to her family as well as all her friends and we all are still having hard time to cope with it. It's my req, please pray for her and for her family. May her soul rest in peace. I hope she is okay wherever she is _/\_ Om shanti


@Shivani_SwaSan I love you and I love her ♥️ then, now and always.  


Hey everyone! I take a lot of my precious time writing for you guys. Time when I should be busy studying because I dont have time. I have college applications to do, exams to study for, in short, my life is a mess right now. But even in all this mess, I want to write; one reason being, ofcourse it's my passion to write but an equally important reason is for you guys. It does not even take a second to vote, and if I cannot even have that then I'm sorry. I dont want to waste my time that can very usefully be utilized. Tell me that you don't like it and I will delete it off. Thank you.


You're welcome, in fact thank you for the information and also no problem♡♡


@GeetRVR thank you ♡ I'm sorry for replying so late 


@ Shawmila_Noelle  Oh!! I'm really very very sorry!! My truly heartfelt condolences to you and her family


Kabhi UN bhi change karegi? =_=


@eeniexmeenie those days when I used to spam her TL ❤️ 


@eeniexmeenie un means username meenu