
GUYS WOW I HAVENT BEEN ON IN LIKE 7584399294893 YEARS!!!!!! Literally wow. All I do is read on here now. I don't even write. So sad. Anyways, I need your help guys. Do you want/think I should keep writing my stories? Start a new one? Idk help. I kind of want to get back into writing but I'm not sure.


GUYS WOW I HAVENT BEEN ON IN LIKE 7584399294893 YEARS!!!!!! Literally wow. All I do is read on here now. I don't even write. So sad. Anyways, I need your help guys. Do you want/think I should keep writing my stories? Start a new one? Idk help. I kind of want to get back into writing but I'm not sure.


So much writing I want to accomplish but I'm so lazy. All I do in my spare time is nothing cos that's the only time I get off during the week. But I promise writing will start up again as soon a winter break comes along! Thanks for cooperating with me lovelies!


Why am I loosing followers? :( this upsets me. Guys I know I'm taking forever to write the rest of my story, but I'm so busy I can't do it. I guess that's what everyone says huh. Ahaha. But I mean it, I'm going to try everything I can to keep writing, it's just so hard :/ I do apologize guys, but I'll be back in business soon!


I'd like to say that I am so so soo sorry I have not been on in such a long time. It's not that I've been busy but I've forgotten about my story and all and I think that's pretty shitty of me and I am terribly terribly sorry everyone. Thank you all for being so patient I mean I love you all so much. You guys are amazing. Please forgive my absences! I love you all you're the best! <3 and also, thank you omg thank you for getting YFM to 1.2K like I never imagined it would be in that position even if I didn't finish and trust me, there will be plenty of updates soon enough!! Thank you thank you thank you. You guys are amazing and mean EVERYTHING to me <3