
So I’ve lost a story (never fall asleep while reading on the app on your phone unless you’ve saved the story) anyway it’s a werewolf story. Her name is Amelia I think she’s 17 soon to be 18. Her mother is a baker/ cook at the pack house, her father is not in the picture. She is a bookworm and so doesn’t socialize much. His name is Judah he’s the gamma and growls and grumps about her a lot. He in the first few chapters doesn’t see that she’s his mate. It’s tradition in her pack for the Alpha, the beta, and the gamma to take those who are turning or have recently turned 18 to a week long camp where the meet and compete with other packs ( the Alpha has a rivalry with another pack whose Alpha is named Jasmine. While there the Beta whose name is Ace meets his mate who is male. Due to how many people are there they have to share rooms because she doesn’t have any real friends and due to an odd numbers she has to share a room with the Gamma.
          	Please help me find this story I didn’t finish reading it. If you think you just message the title thank you.


So I’ve lost a story (never fall asleep while reading on the app on your phone unless you’ve saved the story) anyway it’s a werewolf story. Her name is Amelia I think she’s 17 soon to be 18. Her mother is a baker/ cook at the pack house, her father is not in the picture. She is a bookworm and so doesn’t socialize much. His name is Judah he’s the gamma and growls and grumps about her a lot. He in the first few chapters doesn’t see that she’s his mate. It’s tradition in her pack for the Alpha, the beta, and the gamma to take those who are turning or have recently turned 18 to a week long camp where the meet and compete with other packs ( the Alpha has a rivalry with another pack whose Alpha is named Jasmine. While there the Beta whose name is Ace meets his mate who is male. Due to how many people are there they have to share rooms because she doesn’t have any real friends and due to an odd numbers she has to share a room with the Gamma.
          Please help me find this story I didn’t finish reading it. If you think you just message the title thank you.


I follow Michael stokes on Twitter he’s a great photographer. He has had another of his photos plagiarized, stolen whatever you want to call it and used by an author here on Wattpad. I understand a lot of authors don’t make their own covers, however if you don’t make your own cover You should ask where they got the photo because his photos and several other photographers that I follow on Twitter are not public domain and I would hate to see him and others stop posting due to theft. 


For over a year now I’ve been going through a family crisis. I am disabled with A fib, RVR, CHF, bipolar manic depression, and an anxiety disorder severe enough that I have agoraphobia. The family crisis I’ve been going through is my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She got treatment and got better, It came back and in September early October she was read diagnosed with stage four metastasized Pancreatic Cancer. She was doing really well until last month well actually December. Since December she’s been going downhill last month they got worse at the end of the month they decided it was time to bring in hospice. Over the past year I’ve stopped writing and only been reading. I use reading as an escape. You see my mother lives in Arizona and I live in Missouri and due to finances I haven’t been able to go see her. This morning I got a call from my sister she’s taken a turn down hill is now on morphine full-time and sleeping full-time. So for those who stories I have commented on if I comment and it seems a little odd or off for my normal comments this is the reason why. They tell me that my mother will be lucky to make it to the end of this month and I still have no idea how I’m going to get out there. I’m not telling anyone this For sympathy or to try and get money or anything like that I’m just letting everyone know that if I comment on your story and it seems odd or strange there is a reason behind it and this is the reason.


Thank you for your wishes. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet. As soon as my brain starts functioning again I’ll figure something out I’m sure.


I wish I could help but I’m in a similar situation have you thought about a go fund me page or something similar . Just a thought . Good luck whatever happens and I’m sure all of your readers thoughts and prayers are with you. 


Wow I knew my life sucked but July 17th was a red letter day. Back in March my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, chemo shrank things down to the size of a tine on a fork, the surgery to remove damaged organs was put off until last week due to her being thrown( yes my 80 year old mother still rides horses) from a horse and breaking 4 ribs and bruising a lung and fracturing 4 vertebrae. They finally did what was supposed to be a 5 hour surgery and stopped an hour into it because they discovered it had matastized into liver cancer. They said stage 4. Today my phone quit on me it won't turn on or charge or anything. I have agoraphobia so my roommate runs my errands I told her due to my mom's cancer I have to have a new phone, she looked at me and said "well I have to get one first" even though she can make and receive calls and get on the internet. Tonight my mother called and said she has 6 to 8 months, my question and hers was is that from when it was first discovered or from now. They never answered her so she could die anytime between September and March. When does the sucking ever stop.


Your* Oops...I forgot thank you :) 


@SherriLT514 ps...I was stopping by to thank you for adding Fire Dragon to tour reading list, but unfortunately there are no dragons in the story (hides eyes*) I do, however, have werewolves and vampires in other stories though :P 


@SherriLT514 I just stumbled upon this...and my heart broke for you. I'm sorry to hear that you and mom had such a rough patch and I hope that it gets easier for you in time. My thoughts and prayers are with you xxx