
Sorry for not being here lately but I do have a question. If 2 people on opposite sides of the world drop a piece of bread on the ground, does that make earth a sandwich


I think so


Hi this is my aka @shinkamilovechild backup account! So I just got a phone and now I'm signed in on this one. I can't find my tablet at the moment so I'm not really sure how to get into my main account, but I'll probably be typing in this account on this page so, just remember that it's the backup account texting and not some weirdo!


Sorry for not being here lately but I do have a question. If 2 people on opposite sides of the world drop a piece of bread on the ground, does that make earth a sandwich


I think so


Hey sorry this is so late but if you see this then please read the whole thing. Ok so, my computer gmail also my school gmail is not working so just in case pls follow my other account I'll try to talk more on there but this account might get taken down so pls follow my backup account I'll put it in this down below and in my description. Bye!
          My backup account: @Shinkamilove


Hey do sorry I've been gone for so long. I just needed to take some time to get used to everything. My mom didn't say anything about it after everything, at least not intentionally. A couple of days ago she found some male deodorant in my room and she said "what do you have male deodorant for your not a boy?" But anyway like I said before I'm so so so sorry for not being here! Bye! 


@ShinKamiLoveChild that's okay...
            Take ur time :) 


this message may be offensive
My mom just forced me to come out to her as Trans and her way of doing that was by saying and I quote "Do you want to tell me willingly or do I need to BEAT it out of you!?" And It just made me feel even more unsafe here. P.S. the reason this is being posted so long after my last one is cause I was in the middle of writing this and I'm not even supposed to be on my computer so, I had to hid it and then me and my mom had a long "talk" and like I said earlier she basically forced me to come out to her, then had the nerve to say she thought I was fucking bawling my eyes out because she yelled and cursed me out earlier, and I just glare at her like- this bitch didn't just say that to my face are you kidding me right now like I am traumatised- correction more traumatised then I was before.


By the way my mom came in that's why I hid the computer.


I don't feel safe at home and I want to finally want to leave this place I call home for good. pls if anyone knows how to handle this let me know or where to go if I do runaway.


@Yumiiiiii-chan I would but I don't think they would help cause they haven't physically abused me only verbally and mentally but thanks for the relative advise I'll look into that more:)