About Me:

1.I love reading.

I am a huge fan of historical romances, but I like fantasy and contemporary as well.
Moreover, I am a HP, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, anything by Meg Cabot or Sophie Kinsella or Julia Quinn or Lisa Kleypas Or Richelle Mead or Betty Neels or Sarah Dessen fan.

If you want to discuss anything any of the books above please PM me.

2.I wish I was a witch, a werewolf or anything else supernatural ( or at least had a few magical powers. Sadly, after many failed experiments, I have decided I am purely human.)

3.I am a dog person.
Currently, I am the proud owner of a 7 year old German Shepherd, Jimmy.
  • where the characters of my story live
  • InscritAugust 16, 2013

1 Liste de Lectures