
Okay, to those waiting for updates on my shitty stories~ I am having a bit of trouble trying to write them, I'm trying my hardest to get some new chapters up... in the meantime the new stories I'm posting were just weird little RP's I did with my friend.. soo.... Until then~ Neko out~


Okay, to those waiting for updates on my shitty stories~ I am having a bit of trouble trying to write them, I'm trying my hardest to get some new chapters up... in the meantime the new stories I'm posting were just weird little RP's I did with my friend.. soo.... Until then~ Neko out~


But I'm not doing much better, my mom is raising her and we're telling people she's my sister and it's weird but sometimes I forget she's my kid since my mom is doing so much better at raising her~


Aw, I'm so sorry, but hey teen moms, we're still kickass and doing our best~ :3 and omg I'm sorry for not responding, got super busy~


I have no words well it's good to know I'm not the only teenage parent but my baby live with there daddy -_- I mf hate him so yeah im not seeing my lil one for a long ass while she is 11monthes btw she is like her dad she has no respect or time for her mommy -_-


thank you so much for adding my nalu oneshots and nalu fanfiction to your reading list!! that means a lot to me!!! i give you follow and read your stuffs in return *^* <333


@mizpxh Un, un your stories are amazing and truly heartfelt and full of angst :3 I love them <3 also arigato~! :3 <3 <3 


oh wait, i already said that qwq sorryyyy XD


Is your profile pic midna...


@evil_god oh well link can't save everyone all the time...


             I guess we will never know... I seriously love your theories though, very cool :3


@evil_god I mean if midna's curse could be broken does that mean the shadow beast curse could also be reversed... all link would have to do is kill Zant and ganondorf...


Scroll down trust me this will put  a smile on your face, make your day, or help you ❤ 
          -Every night , someone thinks about you before they go to sleep,
          -At least fifteen people in this world love you.
          -The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you
          -There are at least two people in this world that would die for you
          -You mean the world to someone.
          -Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
          -When you make the biggest mistake ever,something good comes from it.
          -When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look.
          -Always remember the compliments you've received.
          -Forget the rude remarks.
          So if you are a loving person, send this to everyone on your list including me
          Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and four o'clock pm tomorrow, it could be anywere . Get ready for the biggest shock in your life
          Make Someone else's day! Help get a smile on someone's face! Help someone out! ❤remember that your loved
          =Fight for you 
          =Respect you
          =Involve you
          =Encourage you
          =Need you 
          =Deserve you 
          =Save you
          Put this on as many accounts as you can, don't have to be people you know, just make someone's day a little brighter
          My friend on amino wrote this I just wanted to spread the word


Hey how aer your fanfic coming along


@geserehobobo  awww *blushes* arigato Gigi-chan, you too <3


@geserehobobo ha I guess you're right I hope you get through it cuz for you sound like an amazing person


@geserehobobo Of course, it's hard, really hard, especially if you're alone, I mean hell if it wasn't for my abusive family they would've put me into a Psych Ward instead of a Domestic Violence Home


Hey do you think I should do a fanfic of soul and maka whaer soul is makas new nabor and soul steals  makas bra and they have an all out war but also have filings for each other but refuse to tell each other


@geserehobobo okay I'll do it you'll be the first to read it I promise thanks and I know it is kind of cute right


@geserehobobo Yes! you had me rolling on the floor at Soul stealing Maka's bra :'D that sounds like an adorable fanfic, very Soma-like :3