
Happy Deepawali!
          	May your life be filled with happiness and prosperity!✨
          	Let's light our minds like the sparkling diyas and reach the heights of success!✨



@brooke_figueroa I had bee waiting so long for this! And finally I got the time to check Wattpad today and wowwww!!!❤️❤️


Yeah so now, I am not able to let go of my past :), yep, I is suffocating me


@Shiningjennie_15 well my past haunts me but I'm so chill i have literary gave up on everything bro


Mere bhai ka bday hai...
          Happy Janmashtami ❤️✨
          द्रौपदी का मान बचाए, 
          अर्जुन को राह दिखाए,
          गोपियों के संग रास रचाए, 
          मैया यशोदा को मुख में संसार दिखाए, 
          राधा के संग इठलाए,
          पूतना को चुटकियों में मार गिराए,
          वंशी से मन बहलाए,
          बुरी शक्ति से हमे बचाए।।
          नाम इनके हैं अनेक,
          चमत्कार करते ये अनेक,
          मगन रहें इनमें मनुष्य प्रत्येक।।
          हे कृष्ण, तू बन जा सहारा,
          तुझमें ही बसे जग सारा,
          तुम और संग मां राधा,
          हे कृष्ण, तू बन जा सहारा।।



Guys, so, I am going to unpublish the ongoing books for now, coz, I am not able to work on them, the plot is getting cloudy, so I will just unpublish them for now and work on the other drafts, on which I am too active for now, as the other stories now have the whole actual plot clear, they will get the chance, the stories now will updated, somewhere in future