
Been forever since I've been here- But I got an email about someone asking about my where abouts. So, I decided to make it public to anybody who is interested;
          	You can find me at my Tumblr, I post a lot here and my stories are posted a day in advance on Tumblr:
          	I can also be found on AO3 and tomorrow I'll be posting my first fic there:
          	And lastly, you can find me at other places that are listed on my carrd:
          	I don't write MLP anymore, but I do plan to write Hermitcraft, Life Series, and Yuri! On Ice fics! The one that is being posted tomorrow is about the Life Series newest season; Secret Life.
          	Lastly, I have no intentions of logging back into this account, so, again, I want to thank you for the support you gave me when I began my writing career. I was very young when I started this account and writing became my escape from the world I was living in back then. While this account now holds bittersweet memories of a past that I wish to forget, it is also responsible for the writer that I am today. And for that, I'm incredibly thankful for.
          	Never stop shining in the dark,


Been forever since I've been here- But I got an email about someone asking about my where abouts. So, I decided to make it public to anybody who is interested;
          You can find me at my Tumblr, I post a lot here and my stories are posted a day in advance on Tumblr:
          I can also be found on AO3 and tomorrow I'll be posting my first fic there:
          And lastly, you can find me at other places that are listed on my carrd:
          I don't write MLP anymore, but I do plan to write Hermitcraft, Life Series, and Yuri! On Ice fics! The one that is being posted tomorrow is about the Life Series newest season; Secret Life.
          Lastly, I have no intentions of logging back into this account, so, again, I want to thank you for the support you gave me when I began my writing career. I was very young when I started this account and writing became my escape from the world I was living in back then. While this account now holds bittersweet memories of a past that I wish to forget, it is also responsible for the writer that I am today. And for that, I'm incredibly thankful for.
          Never stop shining in the dark,


          I wanted to thank you for the support you all gave me when I first started writing.
          All of my stories have been removed since I don't agree with the direction Wattpad is taking as a company.
          If you would like to find me at other places, please send me a DM! I can give you links to where I post ^^
          I hope you all have bright futures ♡♡♡


I am sick and missed my first writing deadline that I had set for myself, woops.
          This is why I usually never set New Years Resolutions lmao, I constantly fail and feel like crap about it....
          (I never said, but the 1st of every month is my deadline to have chapters already be edited and go up on that day. So, ye, a schedule)


Hey, stellar babs!
          Just wanted to announce that in roughly 2 hours, my Warrior Cats fanfiction will be up with 5 total parts! One is an A/N for people who are unaware of what Warriors is and what will be in the series, the next is Allegiances *a list of all the characters*, then there's the prologue, and finally the first 2 chapters!
          You don't have to have read the actual Warriors series but I recommend you do because it is an overall great series!
          I hope you guys enjoy it!!!


Hello, my dear stellar babs! I got a short announcement today. First off, happy belated holidays lmao.
          AND if you are interested in reading a segment of the final book of Survivors series, go check out my most recent post "The Dog's Bark" because as my gift to all you lovelies is that little thing! I promise I'll be uploading more segments from the final book because it's honestly my FAVORITE in the series and it helps brings closure to the series!
          Also, stay tuned for more updates because at New Year's, I'll be posting the first 3 parts of my Warrior Cats fanfic; The Hills! You don't need to have read any of the actual Warrior Cats books to even read the series, so I'd love it if you guys give it a shot!
          Anyways, happy Holidays guys and thanks for tuning in!