
I have published a poem, check it out. Also I'm working on a little series of poems, piecing together a few I wrote last year, and making ones to fill gaps in between the story that's in them. It's gonna be depressing but I'm excited for it 


I have published a poem, check it out. Also I'm working on a little series of poems, piecing together a few I wrote last year, and making ones to fill gaps in between the story that's in them. It's gonna be depressing but I'm excited for it 


We should recite the we don't talk about Bruno lyrics


Why did he tell herrr


@Shortcake_0523 Bruno says it looks like rain


@Yo_7Dream I'm sorry mi vida go onnn


this message may be offensive
I'd just like to say to all of you that comment on my posts and stuff, it's really hilarious some of the shit you write And some things make me smile or sad too. I read most of the comments but I don't have much time to reply or anything, only when I need to :) you guys seem cool though 


@Shortcake_0523 bruh dw, I know I'm cool (oml no one attack me pls) ☠︎︎


Just posted a poem I wrote! would love if you guys checked it out and give feed back ig


@Shortcake_0523 Since you seem to like poems, I’ll show you some of mine. :)
            First one:
            Don’t ask why I hide inside layers of me, 
            As I’m silent and secret, although you can’t see,
            That I’m worried and wary of problems I’ve made,
            Cause I’m sorry, you know, and I’m so damn afraid.
            Second one (gay intended):
            I guess you don’t realise what torture it is,
            When I’m wishing so badly, not thinking it through,
            I’m looking and seeing you sat there with him,
            You’re looking at him the way I look at you. 
            Then there were three:
            Stuck in the dark, unable to see
            The light, wouldn’t it be fun,
            If I could maybe one day be,
            A shadow that saw the sun?
            Extra random (terrible) bonus one:
            When all is said and done,
            And truths stand revealed in rows,
            I’ll turn my back to the rising sun,
            And randomly stab potatoes. xD
            I hope you liked them if you actually read this. xD Have a good day. :)