
          	New Genshin fanfic out now!
          	It's not much
          	But it's a start


It's been almost a year since I've been on wattpad-
          But I did get a message from wattpad that basically held me at gunpoint to write fanfic


@Shreyatries2draw XD Wattpad is the new Duolingo CONFIRMED?!?!?


@Shreyatries2draw Same :/ it basically said "people want you to keep writing or mark your stories as completed"


New pfp!
          The reason? Well, the old one was a bit odd. Things have changed over the past 6-12 months. The old art style... I wasn't happy with it for some reason. I think it's because of the way I drew the eyes.
          Oh and one more thing. I'll be officially moving to Krita as my art software. I loved Autodesk Sketchbook, but I use Krita to animate (or learn) and since that little trip to India I've been able to get used to Krita more. And it isn't enjoyable to use multiple softwares for pretty much the same thing with all the same stuff.
          So this is me now!


          I don't understand anime and don't know if I will ever.
          I like the anime art style. It's stunning. But for some reason when I see it "animated" It looks like someone who for some reason only knows how to do lip sync
          So maybe that's not what is so popular about it...
          Anyways. The  2 animes I watched in the  past are Glitter Force (tf was that though?) and Naruto (I stopped quickly because I don't understand some plot choices, for example, The fact that Naruto has the 9 tail fox in him. It was addressed at the beginning and wasn't valuable for a while)
          So, I am calling all my weeb friends on the internet to give me suggestions on anime shows that you think I'm going to enjoy! My only requirements are that I can find the show easily on Disney +, Netflix, or Youtube.
          I'll most likely be judging them by their characters and storyline. (Since, no offense, I don't think that the animation can't be smooth)


@GhostShreya ERASED it's on Netflix and though it's a little dark it's one of two anime I've rewatched lots of times. The other one, Angel Beats! It's also on Netflix, and it's awesome! It's pretty dark, too, and gory, but I'm sure you'll love it!!


@GhostShreya I’m not one of your friends but, try watching spy x family it’s amazing. Like that’s the only anime I ever liked, other than that, nothing makes sense.


Ok hear me out:
          So Hermes from Empires SMP
          The little child
          what if
          he wore little crocs with wings on the sides
          and they let him fly
          OH THE CUTENESS-
          Also I'm going out the way to say that joel isn't tall nor a god