
Hi everyone, so I was stupid and deleted all my stories accidentally. I was trying to move them to a draft to edit them but I clicked delete. I may re upload them, but idk. Does anybody have anything they think I should write about? Message me if you have an idea PLEASE


Hi everyone, so I was stupid and deleted all my stories accidentally. I was trying to move them to a draft to edit them but I clicked delete. I may re upload them, but idk. Does anybody have anything they think I should write about? Message me if you have an idea PLEASE


Hey @Sidkid. Lol, I'm sowwy but the following message is just a spam from a bored couch potato. Feel free to reply. ;)
          So, yes. I'm friggin bored and lazy at the same time. Haven't written anything for your contest, sorry. :/
          So, Your Character? Yeah, Milla. I want her to be friends with Valerie so badly. We should tell @torielsacollins lol haha.
          So, now, I have read your HP fanfic. Well, technically, I haven't finished and only reached somewhere in Chappy 2. I just have a lot of books to read. On wattpad and off wattpad.
          Anyways, I'm not a stalker, just got bored. Heheh. You might see me spamming other folks so watch out huehuehue.
          So, yeah, basically the reason for this is my boredom. Sorry for letting you read a pointless message. Huehue.


Ha ha its ok. I spam people all the time too. I really hope our characters are friends! That would be awesome.


Hey there :) I was hoping you might follow me back? It would mean so much to me if you did.


Ok, but why are you following me if you don't read my stories?


Sidkid did win :D