
Hi guys, sorry it’s been awhile. My dog unexpectedly had some severe medical problems that have put a hold on writing. If all goes well I will be spending my off day from work powering through editing the next two chapters I need to edit so that all 7 chapters will be up again. Thank you for your patience <3


Hi guys, sorry it’s been awhile. My dog unexpectedly had some severe medical problems that have put a hold on writing. If all goes well I will be spending my off day from work powering through editing the next two chapters I need to edit so that all 7 chapters will be up again. Thank you for your patience <3


Hey guys, sorry for the disappearance. Work has been downright miserable lately and I’m considering a new job so that’s been stressful. I have 2-3 chapters left to revise before I’m back on track. Can’t make any promises of when as I’m going on vacation but hopefully soon    


 Big changes coming to Our Diabolical Rapture. First few chapters are getting major edits/rewrites before the next chapter comes out. You can follow me on instagram and TikTok for sneak peaks of upcoming chapters as well as minor spoilers same username as here