
So I've decided on revamping Living My Fantasy.  It's new title will be My Dearly Lost and I'm currently on chapter 3 of the rewriting process.  There's going to be less chapters publihed once I catch up bc I'm merging certain chapters.  I probably won't publish until I'm either done catching up or until summer, whichever comes first.  Also you'll be happy to know that my writing has gotten a lot better (bc omg going thru all this has made me realize that WOW! I! WAS! TERRIBLE!).  Anyway I HOPE YA'LL ARE EXCITEDDDDD


@SilentAssassin118 Sweet! I can't wait to see the new version, good luck.  :)


So I've decided on revamping Living My Fantasy.  It's new title will be My Dearly Lost and I'm currently on chapter 3 of the rewriting process.  There's going to be less chapters publihed once I catch up bc I'm merging certain chapters.  I probably won't publish until I'm either done catching up or until summer, whichever comes first.  Also you'll be happy to know that my writing has gotten a lot better (bc omg going thru all this has made me realize that WOW! I! WAS! TERRIBLE!).  Anyway I HOPE YA'LL ARE EXCITEDDDDD


@SilentAssassin118 Sweet! I can't wait to see the new version, good luck.  :)


Hey guys, so I'm really wanting to get back into writing kh/ff fanfics and I've come up with two options and wanted your opinions. 
          1. Continue with Normal Days
          2. Revamp Living My Fantasy 
          For 2 it's be a major revamp and maybe even come with a name change. The general storyline will be the same but there's definitely enough changes where it'd be interesting for those of you who have read it to go back through and read it again.  Let me know what you think!


@SilentAssassin118 Living my fantasy would be awesome to see Revamped. :)


Alright guys, I want to start off by apologizing for basically dropping off of the face of the earth.  I started high school and I've been trying my best to keep my grades up since my parents are really on my about that now.  
          Anyway, time to get down to business.  I have just posted a little thing on my message board here: 
          I'd really appreciate it if you left your thoughts on this, seriously it'd help quite a lot.


Good day! Sorry to be a bother but I want to let you know about the event I'm hosting which is a Secret Santa with all the people that love Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and The World Ends With You on wattpad. I hope you can join and maybe spread some info on the event to your followers. Below is the link to where all the info is. 


To all my lovely readers,
          I will be gone this coming week for my spring break (I'm going on a cruise, I hope I don't get whisked off to Radiant Gardens, well that would actually be pretty sweet).  Anyway, I'm going to get one more update out before I leave on Monday, I promise, even if I have to skip meals...well, okay, that's a lie, but there will be an update!