
Sneak peak of my upcoming story: "As Jenna pressed her nose against the cold glass window tiny particles of her warm breath clung to the icycles, creating an image. If she squinted hard enough it appeared to be an elf. She could make out the pointy ears, the drooping hat, and of course the- "No," Jenna told herself sternly. "Stupid girls don't have imaginations." She shook her head and slumped in the hard back chair."


Sneak peak of my upcoming story: "As Jenna pressed her nose against the cold glass window tiny particles of her warm breath clung to the icycles, creating an image. If she squinted hard enough it appeared to be an elf. She could make out the pointy ears, the drooping hat, and of course the- "No," Jenna told herself sternly. "Stupid girls don't have imaginations." She shook her head and slumped in the hard back chair."


thank you for following!!


@sham2002 sure! pleeaaaseee do the same to my book- So Not Them :)


@sham2002 You are welcome!! If you want to check out my new story "Trapped" I'd love that.


hey. thanks for the follow. You should definitely check out my story. thanks again and happy readings!


@AlettaBiemond okay sounds good! My story is called Beautiful Disaster. You can go to my page and see it in my works. Thanks again!


@Anonymous7419 Okay. I'll check out your story if you check out mine: "Trapped. Happy reading to you too! What's your story called?