
I'm sorry to say that all roleplays will be taken down due to the fact that I am no longer doing roleplays on Wattpad. I will give you a few days to screenshot your characters if you want, coordinate with the people you roleplay with, or anything else you may wish to do (the stories do belong to me and I will continue to use them, maybe even in books). It was fun to do this but it is no longer what I wish to do on Wattpad. Hope you all enjoyed this and hope you find other fun roleplays in the future!
          	~Neo <3


The roleplay was incredible! Thanks for starting it to begin with. Pity, it was very nice. But it's your story. I'm sure you're going to be a really popular writer, more than you already are, in the future.


No problem! I love supporting writers.


@MutantWizard101 thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the roleplay!


I'm sorry to say that all roleplays will be taken down due to the fact that I am no longer doing roleplays on Wattpad. I will give you a few days to screenshot your characters if you want, coordinate with the people you roleplay with, or anything else you may wish to do (the stories do belong to me and I will continue to use them, maybe even in books). It was fun to do this but it is no longer what I wish to do on Wattpad. Hope you all enjoyed this and hope you find other fun roleplays in the future!
          ~Neo <3