
So I have an idea for a short story, and I was wondering if you would be interested in reading something like it. It's the story of a man named Jack Walsh on a ship sailing from England to China and back in the seventeenth century. Along the way, the captain picks up a mysterious package... This package turns out to be a living siren from Greece being shipped to the Queen. Jack is the only crew member who knows about her, and he is in charge of feeding her. But under no circumstances is he allowed to let her speak.


So I have an idea for a short story, and I was wondering if you would be interested in reading something like it. It's the story of a man named Jack Walsh on a ship sailing from England to China and back in the seventeenth century. Along the way, the captain picks up a mysterious package... This package turns out to be a living siren from Greece being shipped to the Queen. Jack is the only crew member who knows about her, and he is in charge of feeding her. But under no circumstances is he allowed to let her speak.


Hewo! *waves* Since you like to read could you possibly check out my story Unravelling Her Secrets? By any chance, if you happen to like the story please vote and do leave in your comments. Happy reading! ^_^


Sure I would wuv to! ^-^


@Loversgonewild  No problem! I'm actually between stories right now, so you couldn't have chosen a more perfect time :) If you are into fantasy at all, you could also take a peek at Dark Prince Rising...


thank you so much for following! if you could pls read my book 'The One that Left.' you may like it; i've been getting lots of positive feedback nowdays. i'd like to know what you think of it :)


@ShadowGirl59 oh thank you for the feedback! the thing is that i am not writing from anyone's point of view. thus there is so much information. also, i am new at this third-person's perspective business so that would explain the confusion. i will work on it though. thanks!


@MaxwellXander  It's really good! I really like your writing style! The only problem is that I got a bit confused when you switched from one person's thoughts to another, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't tell what was happening. Over all, I really liked it.


Hey! Thank you so much for reading 'The Strange and Sinister' and leaving me so many votes. I really appreciate it! Have a great day! ^^


@Chesmok You're welcome! You have excellent writing skills, and I feel those votes were only necessary:-)  Good luck!