So, I am the Silvershadowe from fanfiction.net and AO3, but I'm new to Wattpad and have... no idea what I'm doing.
Anyways! I love fanfiction- as you may have guessed- and fandoms even more. Listing them is a daunting task, so I'll stick to my current:
Fullmetal Alchemist
Erased-- if you haven't seen it, do so right now, it's incredible
Black Butler (manga)
Tokyo Ghoul! (manga)

So there's a few of my favorite fandoms right now.
As for ships, that amounts to:
Edwin-- FMA
Aaaand some low key Destiel-- SPN
I really don't like shipping, and I prefer my ships canon. Even when I do ship, it's pretty low key. Ship whatever you want, just don't ask me to join in. The only romance show I've ever seen was Your Lie in April, which was the most beautiful thing ever and should be protected... but didn't end happily.
Says a lot about me!
Yeah, I'm more of your average H/C and angst junkie than a ship fan. So if you're looking to read anything of mine, know that it's going to be of that sort. (W/ background Edwin because how can I not, it's my only otp)

That's about all I have to say for myself, so hopefully you enjoyed reading this 1000+ About on a storyless profile!
Happy perusing!
(Isn't that a wonderful word, peruse?)
  • Earth
  • JoinedMarch 7, 2017
