
Hey Guys.... So I may or may not have started writing a new Story. And it isnt a story that I normaly write. So no Mikannie, Mikasa x Reader or Annie x Reader. Its a Yelena x Reader x Ymir story. Its gonna have 3 endings. One where you end up with Ymir, one where end up with Yelena and one where you are gonna end up with both. Im gonna post the firts chapter in a bit. And I hope that you give feedback on it. I already wrote the Second Chapter but I wanna know how you liked the first Chapter and if its even worth it to continue writing it.
          	-Yuno Kirstein


Hey Guys.... So I may or may not have started writing a new Story. And it isnt a story that I normaly write. So no Mikannie, Mikasa x Reader or Annie x Reader. Its a Yelena x Reader x Ymir story. Its gonna have 3 endings. One where you end up with Ymir, one where end up with Yelena and one where you are gonna end up with both. Im gonna post the firts chapter in a bit. And I hope that you give feedback on it. I already wrote the Second Chapter but I wanna know how you liked the first Chapter and if its even worth it to continue writing it.
          -Yuno Kirstein


Hey Guys! 
          Did i finally start with the idea that i had in January? Maybe! I already have the first Chapter Finished. (Hopefully without any mistakes) so i wanted to ask if i should post it or if i should wait till i have more chapters finished so you dont have to wait long for more chapters. What do you guys think? I have a lot more free time right now because i dont have school anymore till September so i think im gonna write some more ffs and os!
          Bye for now!


          I have a question! 
          I want to write a new book!... I know you will hate me for that but I just had an Idea it depends on you if you would like something like that..
          So.. I have a World in Minecraft and sometimes  do roleplay to it, its played in Japan (Tokio) and you started to work in a new Company owned by The Ackermans, Mikasa took the lead just a short while ago when you came there, you start of as a Normal Coworker, Annie being your next Higher boss, you came to Tokio because your Brother (Jean) and your best friend lived there already having a Job and Jean said they needed another Worker so you moved near him.... And I'm not telling you more!! I'm sorry but I kinda want it to be a surprise to.. If you want it even... Well what do you think? 
          I know I have a lot of unfinished books but I think I need to rewrite some to.. Especially The "Threesome that didn't just happened once"
          But that can wait  okay bye now~


@ Lionheart_22  but im happy you like the idea


@ Lionheart_22  yeah im sorry for that, I always come up with new book and then I remember I have to write my other books too... 


@Silwaron This sounds amazing! I would love to read it You hv a lot of unfinished book but it's okay take your time. U must hv a lot of ideas for new books


We wrote a test today in English... The the first task was listening, a woman called the school about her son.... How was the woman called?
          Miss Ackerman... F"cking miss God damn Ackerman?! I died... My brain didn't think after that anymore.. 


Hey guys! I posted the first 3 Chapters?!!! God I really hope you like it! If not... That's okay to... 
          Then I just wrote 7 Chapters for nothing 


@ Cicuuuus  thank you


@Silwaron It was so good! Keep it up. ^^


Hey fellow gays! It's me again! 
          I already made 5 Chapters of the new MikasaxReaderxAnnie story!! Should I upload the first 3 chapters or should I keep you waiting a bit longer? 


@Silwaron Im sure we are going to like it. Ty for posting it! <3


@ Lionheart_22  @ Cicuuuus  well then i will Post it probably when it's the late afternoon in my country... I'm kinda scared that it's not that what you expect from my writings cause I kinda wrote it different from all my other books


@Silwaron We can wait but I'm already excited to read it! XD


Hey guys!! (●’◡’●)ノ 
          I know I didn't post something for a while I'm sorry but I'm working on a new book right now! 
          I'm already working on the third Chapter so I can feed you simps with 3 whole chapters at once maybe even more ... 
          It's again a Mikasa x Reader x Annie story
          Who would have guessed... 
          I wanted to write this one actually once as a real book but then I forgot about that idea and the story... But now I'm working on it again and just turning it into a Story I hope u will like it
          High school Au, Teacher Mikasa, Student Reader, Student Annie (?), Mikannie content, 
          Smut and more! 


@ Cicuuuus  thank u!!! ❤


@Silwaron YOU ARE THE BEST <3 I know this book is going to be so good. ^^