
Am I, like, the only person who now FINALLY has someone to look up to in poetry?


Boogaboogaboogabooga!!!!!!!!!  Thank you so much for all of the love on the Starkid books. Just wanted to update y'all rq on my original Warriors story, Lunastar's Bitterness! It's out there if you'd like to read it (on the account that I'm typing this from, obviously). So far, we've got 12 chapters out there for your enjoyment! This story is incredibly close to my heart characters-wise, and if you're into Warriors or that sort of thing I'd love to have you there. 
          ~ Rey/Kaz, out <3


Hey hey hey bitches! I have the first three or so chapters now uploaded on my Jacksepticeye x Reader story (on this new account, obviously). If you're interested, feel free to give it a read! 
          Rey, out~ <3


@parishifish *almost 1.5K- I WAS LOOKING AT THE WRONG BOOK-


(also, here to say thank you for 4K on the Starkid Imagines book and ALMOST 3K ON STAR BEHIND THE STAGE?!?!! WHAT THE FOOK?!?!?!? THANK YOU SO MUCH <3)