
hey lovely! nearly done with TTD?


@RubySlippers_ Thank you!!!! To be honest, Google translator helps a lot! Even when it gets a little bite smutty.   ;-)


Yayyyy you smashed it!! Thank you for your support lovely!! And your English is amazing! 


@RubySlippers_ Hi Ruby, I have finished TTD.
            Thank you so so much for giving me the opportunity to read the entire book!!! I loved it so much!!!! The drama almost killed me!!!! But finally our Harry is happy, and thats everything we ever wanted, right?  Loved the characters, the story, everything!!!! I hope you can publish it soon. It is worth it. My english is not at its best, but as far as I can tell, your stories are the best on WP. And if it doesn't work right away, remember that JK Rowlings has been turned down several times. The person in charge is probably still biting his butt. (I don't know if that makes sense in English, but I hope you know what I mean.) All the love. Sina 
            (Have to talk to family and friends now after days of reading your books, but I'll read the next one soon.)xx