
Different versions of Zack and what fits them the most
          	Child!Zack: I get it! My mom didn’t want me!
          	Zack: I will f**king destroy your bloodline, you f**king bi**h! *Proceeds to let out his ‘battle cry’*
          	Fem!Zack: My mommy issues are MY issues!
          	Cafe!Zack: I want to fling myself into the sun so hard my d**k falls off-
          	Delinquent!Zack: *Throws himself at the lockers*
          	Werewolf!Zack: Bark bark bi**h!


Different versions of Zack and what fits them the most
          Child!Zack: I get it! My mom didn’t want me!
          Zack: I will f**king destroy your bloodline, you f**king bi**h! *Proceeds to let out his ‘battle cry’*
          Fem!Zack: My mommy issues are MY issues!
          Cafe!Zack: I want to fling myself into the sun so hard my d**k falls off-
          Delinquent!Zack: *Throws himself at the lockers*
          Werewolf!Zack: Bark bark bi**h!


Danny: Hey, for a dollar, would you be willing to-
          Zack, still walking away: NO!
          Danny: WHY?!
          Zack: ...BECAUSE!


@Sinner_Boi-0 pfff- relate to that tho lol)


          Just want to point this out-
          At one point, Ray had called Danny ‘mom.’ He had to correct her, despite him actually acting like her mom; telling her to eat plenty of blueberries, to be careful around needles when she was sewing, and that when she started to wear makeup to go easy on the eyeliner.
          I strangely like this. I don’t know why, I just like it. A lot.


“Um, so... I found this little girl, and now she won’t stop following me.”
          Zack pointed over his shoulder, an unreadable expression on his face. There, standing behind him, was in fact a little girl. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, a tiny smile on her face. It was a mini Ray.
          She walked up to him, hugging him from behind. Zack yelped, almost dropping his knife. “Hey! Cut that out, will ya?!”


            Rachel looked up at the country curiously, wiping her eyes with an arm. “R-Really?”
            “Yeah.” Zack added, bending down and hugging her. “He’s a jerk. He had no right...”


            ❝You just cried, you didn't do something really bad that would make him do that, plus he shouldn't be allowed to hit you.❞
            Japan sighed, then patted her on the head.
            ❝If you ran away from your mommy and daddy because of that, I can see why.❞


            “I cried... daddy didn’t like that.”
            As she explained this, Zack’s eyes widened as he looked down at her. He felt pity, knowing what that was like.