
ya so basically i havent written in two years and i probably never will lol


ok this is a rant post but im actually so mad at myself bc in jan I started this story and I basically had an entire detailed outline and I had the whole thing worked out and if I had stuck to a schedule I would have been done writing it- but I didn't write it so now I have an entire developed plot but no actual story and I dont have the motivation to keep working on it. I had like 3 entire months in quarantine and my exams just ended but nOoOoOo


ok ok so once I seal off any unfinished stories on tik-tok POV's I might just not make any more djfbasjfhbjsbfj (we LoVe a MoTiVaTeD qWeEn) ummm honestly I started the whole thing as a joke but then people sAw it and I just kept writing I guess and now I dont have the time or motivation like at all and my writing is coming out jAnKy and its just this giant creative block gjsbfjbfjah {insert overly detailed paragraph ab issues} 
          like I'll probably still update once in a while but it'll be more for fun and like yeah dgskfnkdhfksd
          ummmm also if u requested sum I'll write it/finish it but I won't take more requests sjnfjsd sorry


Guys so wednesday is when my last assignment is due so hopefully yall will get an update on friday + a bonus chapter (maybe)


ok so I checked and nvm I updated sfjsfj


wait no I forgot if I updated or not


wow I lOvEd tHe cHaPtER tHaT yOu tOtALLy uPdAtEd