
I actually want to suggest you a story and ask you something but I will only do that if you are free and not studying.. And this time reply


@SivancheDior yup I know.. Don't worry.. I also admit that I am also a little busy but I just write sometimes like time pass so don't worry and good luck.. Bye Gn8
जवाब दें


@RupaliSSR  I am so sorry bro. I am really really busy . Even i have deleted  the app. Studies hit so hard that it is really impossible to write anything. I am not kidding but.. literally like I am busy for several months together. I promise I would certainly get back to you. And we would do a story together. I really appreciate your interest and creativity.. but you know.. 
जवाब दें


Hey sista, what's up? Btw thanks for the follow back.. I knew you would but still thanks..