
Hey people, hope that y'all are having a good day today!


thx for following back :)


@SiverDeer thx :) i like pokemon too :)


@miraculousluver0306 And thank you! I like your name too:)


Hi I’m that idiot who got into a fight with everyone on your comment, ya know the one about abortion tho I don’t think ya read it anyways… I agree with you that abortion is wrong but are you actually gonna stop it cause I read your bio, I mean sometimes abortion is ok are you really gonna… I’m gonna stop wasting your time!!!
          Bye bye :) 


Should I do this?
          Moana but Angelica is Moana, Alex is Maui (Instead of a hook he has a quill), HeiHei is Peggy, Tamatoa is Jefferson, Pua is Eliza, and instead of Te Ka being a demon of earth and fire, She is a hurricane demon.
          Tell me what you think! Yay or neigh?


Guys I just had the strangest dream.
          Imagine the plot of hamilton, but Alex is a parrot.
          I will leave you all with that image. ༼◕ᴥ◕༽༼◕ᴥ◕༽༼◕ᴥ◕༽༼◕ᴥ◕༽


            *Raises finger in question*
            *Opens mouth*
            *Closes mouth*
            *Puts finger down*


Ok so I need to write a poem for school and I would like it if you guys would tell me what you think of this one
                                                                         The Phoenix
                                                Left as an ember, returned as a flame
                                                             Fire's shelter, Ice's bane
                                                 With wings of fire, it rules the sky
                                            Only once in your life, may you see it fly
                                     For after a thousand years it is destined to crash,
                                                    It's burning form reduced to ash 
                                           But fear not, this creature has more in store
                                      It's flaming wings will grace the earth once more


            That's really good!