
I will be off of Wattpad for awhile at least a week.  I will be at a therapy center in Minnesota. I am not going to have any social media. If you need anything relay the message though @DemonicBooks. She will be updating my profile daily. Good bye for now.


@DemonicBooks how is she doing? Do you know about the whole incident with they whole big thing? As soon as she gets back tell her to text me on hangouts. Thanks...


@PanheadForever14 She is going to have to delete her wattpad account. It will be gone forever so those that see this and those that care, please, don't make this hard. Tell her it is okay to delete this. If she doesn't let go she's gonna have it ripped away and it'll hurt. A lot. Please don't make this hard. I don't want her to go but we don't have a choice. It's either this. Or something worse that may cause her to hurt herself. Anyone who wants her to be happy will understand. MY profile is open to all of you and I'll let her talk to you guys but it has to stay secret. She cannot be seen on Wattpad by anyone. If you understand please help.


I have a message from Skilletawesome926. She will be away for awhile due to her suicidal tendencies. She hopes to return in a week or so. She has no connection to any social media so she has no way to tell anyone this. She is currently in a therapy center and getting help. I will keep you all updated. 


@JenIsMyHero , @PanheadForever14 , and  @SkilletAndCP please what can I do to gain your trust back. I am willing to do anything. Please I really want to start new . I will tell you guys the real me . I will never lie to you guys again.I feel horrible about what I did. I really want to make things right between all of us.What I did was wrong ,let me make it right. I need all of you.Please.


@Skilletawesome926 I'm sorry sis...I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I feel horrible...I'm willing to start over and help you out alot more...I'm willing to stay by your side...and I will never non believe ever again... I love you sis and I want to help again I want to be in the same spot we were...I'm Willing to bring everything back just start all over...


Hey @PanHeadForever14 plz tell me why you and Kayla blocked me . If its something I did I will change . Plz give me another chance . I need you two please. Before I met you guys I was broken you put me back together. Please forgive me...


I'm willing to give you another chance. I'm also want to know the REAL you 