
After a long absence on Wattpad, I'm back. A few works have been taken down, and now there are three remaining published works on my page. Sky Hierarchy is undergoing a complete rewrite, with story changes as well. These changes may not necessarily be published on Wattpad. For now, the LoZ fanfictions will be at a standstill unless I'm asked to continue them.  If anyone has questions, please contact me at my inbox.


After a long absence on Wattpad, I'm back. A few works have been taken down, and now there are three remaining published works on my page. Sky Hierarchy is undergoing a complete rewrite, with story changes as well. These changes may not necessarily be published on Wattpad. For now, the LoZ fanfictions will be at a standstill unless I'm asked to continue them.  If anyone has questions, please contact me at my inbox.


The Sky Hierarchy: Chapter 10 has been posted! It's a bit short, and it will be undergoing editing, but I believe this is the moment everyone has been waiting for ;)  As of now, The Sky Hierarchy will be undergoing a self-editing process, and Avengance: Falling in the Sand may be getting some extra story content and cut-back revisions. It won't take too long (I hope). I plan to come back on Wattpad at least once, twice a week. Cya soon :D


The latest chapter for Avengance: Falling in the Sand was just released! The title for it is "Inevitable". It's only the second chapter, but I'm extremely excited! I hope you'll give it a shot!
          For other news, it's about time I got working on the next Hierarchy chapter, right? The next chapter will be big -- stay tuned! ;)


Hello! The 6th chapter for Sky Hierarchy: Revealed has finally been released! It goes by the name of "Rising Heat". I hope you enjoy it! <3
          For those who may be interested: If you like my current WIP, Sky Hierarchy: Revealed, I'd like to recommend Avengance: Falling in the Sand, my other ongoing fictional work. Unlike Sky Hierarchy, Avengance takes place in a completely different world. Avengance is under what I like to call "world building". It should sound like a familiar concept, but if it isn't, simply take the concept at face value. It's the construction of a world (woah!). Please check it out, I'm almost positive you won't be disappointed :D 
          Continue to look forward to more chapters soon!
          (I wonder what will happen to Jet in the next chapter? ;D)


I'm working on the next chapter for Sky Hierarchy: Revealed, which will hopefully be out soon! Schedule providing, I should have a chapter out next weekend or in the next few days. Sorry for the delay! Also, after the next chapter, I want to get at least one chapter in for Avengance: Falling in the Sand, so I will likely take a mini-break from the story to post a chapter. I will probably follow a pattern of two-one (two Sky Hierarchy chapters for every Avengance chapter).
          Thank you for your continued support and I hope you're excited for the next chapter! :D


My Legend of Zelda fanfiction work, Phantom Wounds, was just added to the JustWriteIt Adventure reading list! Please check it out when you have the chance ^-^ And thank you @justwriteit for adding me to the list! I'm very excited to have my work added.  
          On another note, Happy New Year to everyone, I'm wishing you a prosperous and joyful 2017!


On another separate note, I'm in the midst of a minor writing block. I don't expect it to last very long, but it may take a little longer for the next chapter of Sky Hierarchy: Revealed to release. I apologize for the delay and as soon as I can, I'll post the next chapter! Thanks for your patience!