
Hello my fellow followers!
          	As you all know, or mostly know. My mother had passed away January 20th 2018. As a sort of coping mechanism these past 2, nearly 3 months, I've been writing my thoughts down, whether on paper or here; on Wattpad. I have a new story up for that. The 3rd chapter is the entire last night I had with my mother. Soon I will also be adding the 3 papers worth of thoughts I have written down while I work.
          	Feel free to delve into my thoughts and my haunting memory, some of you may also have gone through a similar thing. Having also lost a close family member is very tough to go through.
          	Also, if you have any questions on anything with the process of losing my mom, feel free to ask me by commenting in the story. I may not update my stories much anymore, but I am very responsive to messages and comments.


Hello my fellow followers!
          As you all know, or mostly know. My mother had passed away January 20th 2018. As a sort of coping mechanism these past 2, nearly 3 months, I've been writing my thoughts down, whether on paper or here; on Wattpad. I have a new story up for that. The 3rd chapter is the entire last night I had with my mother. Soon I will also be adding the 3 papers worth of thoughts I have written down while I work.
          Feel free to delve into my thoughts and my haunting memory, some of you may also have gone through a similar thing. Having also lost a close family member is very tough to go through.
          Also, if you have any questions on anything with the process of losing my mom, feel free to ask me by commenting in the story. I may not update my stories much anymore, but I am very responsive to messages and comments.


  Hello everyone who follows me! I still have to figure out some sort of nickname for this..
            Anyway, you're all most likely pretty pissed off that all my books haven't been update for aggeees. Sorry, once again.
            I've been busy with school and sports.(Literally this is my weekly schedule;
          Monday: Guys Practice
          Tuesday: Basketball practice
          Wednesday: Basketball practice+guys practice
          Thursday: Ultimate Frisbee practice
          Friday: Work
          Sunday:Lazy day+homework)
            So yes, very busy during the week. Updating is currently barely possible, but here and there I will be writing new chapters for the stories that you all have been demanding for(mostly the Naruto fanfic)
            That is all I currently have to say, and I hope you all have a beautiful day, buh bye!


I wonder what kind of story I should write....Any idea's guys?


Is it a good or bad idea? I am not shore, it came to me since i love transformers and the anime naruto. I waould like your opinion on it


@SkyRedSnow  I have an idea you could make a story crossover between naruto and transformers prime. Madara uchiha suddenly is transported to the prime universe as a cat, a oc that you make finds them and they are found by team prime after a run in with cons. And the wacky story it is!! Will he ever turn back or is he to stay a cat forever!!! How about that.