
So I'm going to start writing a sequel to Hermione's Problems obviously based on The Chamber Of Secrets. I'm going to need a title idea if anyone has one and possibly re-brand the original to be X... and The Philosopher's Stone, so I can do the same for X.. And The Chamber Of Secrets. Any ideas?


So I'm going to start writing a sequel to Hermione's Problems obviously based on The Chamber Of Secrets. I'm going to need a title idea if anyone has one and possibly re-brand the original to be X... and The Philosopher's Stone, so I can do the same for X.. And The Chamber Of Secrets. Any ideas?


So, Dorset School Of Potty Training is dragging on a bit, would you all like me to continue it, or finish the story and possibly write a sequel in the future. If I finish it, I will start a new similar story....?


@SkyeMariaDG     what about if she would have a car accident that would make her dual incontinent  a short while after she gets home. maybe she age regresses to deal with the trauma, and nursery and  everything.
            if you like the ideas you may have them. dont care about credit.
            i like helping folks out.


@SkyeMariaDG  I just found it too and I am really enjoying it.  I'd love to have it finished