
          	!! WHO TO BLOCK? Go to @blockout.2024, go to their Follow list and block every account in that list. Let's go!!!
          	Let's be honest: while idolizing celebrities (Nauzubillah min zalik) contradicts our values as Muslims, many still do.
          	These fame-seekers prioritize wealth over social justice, staying silent on critical issues like the plight of Palestinians. The era of celebrity worship ends now, especially for those who remain silent or worse, side with
          	It's time for action. Join a Gen Z-led movement to block these celebrities. And it's working – Kim Kardashian alone reportedly lost 3 million followers. Whether you've followed them in the past or not, take a stand. Block them across all platforms. Click those three dots on the top right of their profile and hit Block.
          	 #freepalestine #westandforpalestine


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Jazakallahu Khairan for that❤️


          !! WHO TO BLOCK? Go to @blockout.2024, go to their Follow list and block every account in that list. Let's go!!!
          Let's be honest: while idolizing celebrities (Nauzubillah min zalik) contradicts our values as Muslims, many still do.
          These fame-seekers prioritize wealth over social justice, staying silent on critical issues like the plight of Palestinians. The era of celebrity worship ends now, especially for those who remain silent or worse, side with
          It's time for action. Join a Gen Z-led movement to block these celebrities. And it's working – Kim Kardashian alone reportedly lost 3 million followers. Whether you've followed them in the past or not, take a stand. Block them across all platforms. Click those three dots on the top right of their profile and hit Block.
           #freepalestine #westandforpalestine


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Jazakallahu Khairan for that❤️


 Rafah, the only gate of life in Gaza, has been surrounded.Oppression is growing day by day, and the test of the Ummah is getting harder. Millions of people continue to become martyrs. Oh Allah, grant mercy to the hearts that don't worry about the troubles of the ummah.


            bro my heart breaks thinking of them. evtime i am abt to do smth i remember that the kids in gaza probably yearn for this. i wish they could have a simple life like us. i wish they would sleep to their mother's melodious lullaby and not the missiles. i wish they could go out, dineand play like us without fearing attacks. inshaAllah one day we will get to see this


            May Allah Swt give us all hidayah.


"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."
          Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5; Yerushalmi Talmud 4:9, Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 37a.
          "We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life-unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”
          Qur'an 5:32


"So Wattpad removed the user-to-user PM feature, but the message section  is still there – I mean, if Wattpad doesn't allow us to PM, why can't they just remove the section and give something new? Now, we can only chat with Wattpad. Like, really? I used to like Wattpad four years back."


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman some people are saying Wattpad did this because there was this one user who would contact minors and talk really badly with them and try to get them to do bad things, and a lot of people brought this issue up, so maybe that’s why they got rid of PMs—


@Munazza_75 ik right its alright uh can ask me on insta or printrest whatever you're comfortable.


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman and i was worried how I'd ask you questions when they gave notification of removing pms. They did so wrong. 


Assalam u Alaikum! 
          I’m trying to go back and make my faith to Allah grow stronger. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to have proper khushoo in prayer. I always get distracted at the smallest sound around me or I start thinking of other things during prayer. 
          Jazakallah for everything you’re doing here, I love coming back here to scroll through your posts :) ❤️


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Thank you so much ❤️ May Allah give you happiness in both worlds, ameen!


            Walaikum asalam warahmatullahi wabarakathu ukhti,
            Of course, I understand your concern and desire to strengthen your faith and concentration in prayer. Developing khushoo (humility and focus) in salah (prayer) is a common struggle for many people, so you are not alone in this. Here are some tips that might help you improve your khushoo in prayer:
            1. **Physical Environment**: Try to find a quiet and clean place for your salah where you are less likely to be distracted. Minimize external disturbances as much as possible.
            2. **Mental Preparation**: Before starting your prayer, take a few moments to clear your mind of any distractions or worries. Remind yourself of the importance of this connection with Allah.
            3. **Understand the Meaning**: Learn and reflect on the meanings of the words you recite in your prayer. Understanding what you are saying can help you stay focused.
            4. **Slow Down**: Take your time with each movement and recitation in prayer. Rushing through salah can make it easier to get distracted.
            5. **Supplication**: Make dua (supplication) to Allah to help you concentrate during your prayers. Ask for His guidance and support in increasing your khushoo.
            6. **Consistency**: Establish a consistent prayer routine. Regularly performing salah can help make it a more integral part of your day and enhance your concentration.
            7. **Seek Knowledge**: Continue learning about the significance and benefits of prayer in Islam. Understanding the spiritual importance of salah can motivate you to strive for better focus.
            Remember, developing khushoo is a gradual process, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. May Allah make it easy for you to deepen your connection with Him through your prayers.
            Read ch 14 of my book be a good Muslim ( 4 tips to enjoy salah more)


          It's jummah today!!
          Sending blessings on the Prophet (ﷺ) on Fridays
          [اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِنِ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا]


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman barakAllahu fik for all that you do ukhti


You will not find a single Hadith, even a weak one, describing how A'isha (ra) looked. This is how careful the Sahabah and Muslims were, about letting someone even imagine what their women looked like.
          And now, men post pictures of their own wives and daughters. Or women post themselves online to thousands of strangers. How far we've strayed..


            Jazakallah khairan ukhti, May Allah bless you with the best of both worlds❤


            I always am grateful for the announcements you post!! They help alot. May Allah bless you sister❤️❤️


Today being the blessed day of Jumu'ah, let us Engage in Duas and especially for the global Ummah. 
          Sunnah of Friday
          1. Cut your nails
          2. Read Surah Kahf
          3. Take a shower (Ghusl)
          4. Wear presentable clothes
          5. Use Siwak to clean your teeth
          6. Send Durood to Prophet ﷺ 
          7. Apply perfume or oud (bhukhoor)
          8. Make duas between asr and magrib
          9. Listen to khutbah (sermon) attentively
          10. Walk to the masjid instead of taking car
          11. Go to the Jumuah prayer as early possible
          12. Dont seperate 2 people to make space for you