Heyy:3 I'm Jill and I'm 15 years old. I am a vegetarian, animals are apart of my very core and I'm a metal head. I love to read, write and am overall a creative person. I believe that without creativity you cannot truly and fully enjoy life. I love odd hair colours, split tongues, piercings and stretched ears(: When I'm older I want turquoise colour hair, septum, cheeks, and both sides of my nose pierced, along with ears stretched to two inches. My favourite band (even though they broke up) will always be My Chemical Romance. They have helped me through anything and will always be there with me through thick and thin I like to believe. A lot of my stories will be based on things I like, things I especially find interesting. A lot of my locations will consist in England or Germany. I am going to learn German in my freshman year of highschool, and I only have two more months of my eighth grade year(: I usually wear sweaters with band tshirts, converse, and sometimes leggings and big oversized sweaters to go on top of my leggings(: My influence in life will always be Gerard Way and I love everything about him(: How he believes in everyone and anyone no matter what(: I love his daughter Bandit too! She's so cute! I'm glad they're music even existed because without it, I would be standing here today(: 
My ambition is to one day open a body modification shop in Norwich England, and become a professional body modification artist. Or to go to cosmetology school and become a hairdresser(:
I also love Elves(: I love World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings(:
  • Washington
  • JoinedMarch 9, 2013


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