
Honestly, WTF are you Jelsa fans doing here? Finding my weird Hogwarts Jelsa story from the depths of despair? No good my friends. I'm like 99.99% sure you will get nothing from this. Please stop doing things like adding it to your reading lists. It makes me feel bad. Like, did you not see that big UP FOR ADOPTION sign I have? And if some people actually like it, honestly who would even, but they finish it to find out I leave on the most intense part... (Lol at least I think, if someone who actually remembers wants to let me know, well then, be my guest) I feel bad for the story sucker. Yeah that's all I wanna say.  
          	Lol just kidding, I might feel bad enough to look for some real gems. And I'm currently into BNHA so if anyone wants some of that, let me know. Toodles.


Honestly, WTF are you Jelsa fans doing here? Finding my weird Hogwarts Jelsa story from the depths of despair? No good my friends. I'm like 99.99% sure you will get nothing from this. Please stop doing things like adding it to your reading lists. It makes me feel bad. Like, did you not see that big UP FOR ADOPTION sign I have? And if some people actually like it, honestly who would even, but they finish it to find out I leave on the most intense part... (Lol at least I think, if someone who actually remembers wants to let me know, well then, be my guest) I feel bad for the story sucker. Yeah that's all I wanna say.  
          Lol just kidding, I might feel bad enough to look for some real gems. And I'm currently into BNHA so if anyone wants some of that, let me know. Toodles.


My wondrous friends, it is I Slywolf89 (previously known as ArtisticDemon97) and I am very much alive. After almost a whole year of the uploading I am back! Please be aware that it is completely possible that I will go on a hiatus again but I'll try not to. And to those people that I would see occasionally add my story to a reading list, I would like to thank you because that was always a little heartwarming to me when I post (I'm going to say again that it won't probably be often) it will most likely be the Hogwarts story. Anyways have fun reading my garbage stories again! You can never take back anytime you spend on it (Secretly my evil plan from the start) and keep doing whatever (or not, I can't force you)!