
Hello my readers- Yeah yeah I know I’m not the most productive person in the world. All things aside, I need help. I have ideas for so many stories but I cannot seem to focus and actually write them. I need your input. Which should I focus on first?
          	1- The Ghosts I Couldn’t Catch
          	2- Marvel One Shots
          	3- A super secret book with OC’s
          	Thank you guys- hopefully I’ll have stuff up soon! 
          	- KSC21


@SmallChild42 NUMBER ONE PLEASE I am in love with their love triangle XD


@SmallChild42  I would really like you to focus on the ghost I couldn't catch because i really like that story and would like to see where it goes please:)


Hello my readers- Yeah yeah I know I’m not the most productive person in the world. All things aside, I need help. I have ideas for so many stories but I cannot seem to focus and actually write them. I need your input. Which should I focus on first?
          1- The Ghosts I Couldn’t Catch
          2- Marvel One Shots
          3- A super secret book with OC’s
          Thank you guys- hopefully I’ll have stuff up soon! 
          - KSC21


@SmallChild42 NUMBER ONE PLEASE I am in love with their love triangle XD


@SmallChild42  I would really like you to focus on the ghost I couldn't catch because i really like that story and would like to see where it goes please:)


Hey everyone! I know that it’s been a long time since I have updated my regular books- I’m working on it slowly but surely. In all honesty I have fallen out of the Smosh fan world if you will, and I’m more of a Marvel Fan now. I’ve been more Marvel than Smosh for years now. Last night I started to try and get more chapters of The Ghosts I Couldn’t Catch worked on but I found that I had no clue what to even say with those characters. Now, I am probably going to discontinue my other Smosh Books but I really would like to keep that Ghost one up. I’m going to try for that one more but at the same time I am going to be focusing my writing more on Marvel based things. I understand if this prompts some of you to unfollow me and I respect that. I won’t be offended. If you guys could support my Marvel things I would love that, or even let your friends know if you want. Thank you for listening to me. I know I’m annoying. 
          Thanks again,


Hoy there all Ye 'ittle baby 'astards!
          Sorry I've been switching between accents all week and that one just popped out. Anyway- I changed my profile image and banner but it's still me. Instead of it being landscape images from Hearst Castle it's now a burning carousel and a sunset. I have some questions for you- 
          1- do my updates take too long?
          2- do any of you actually get these messages and read them?
          3- do any of you draw art and would you be willing to draw characters for some of my upcoming books??????????????? (I'd give you credit)
          4- what are your honest opinions of me? Am I crazy? Annoying? Funny? Creepy? Weird? Stupid? Lazy? Paranoid? 
          5- if I were to suddenly disappear would any of you look for me?


Awe thank e fren!! *high fives* 


5- Of. F*cking. Course. 


Hello all of my lovely people! I know I haven't updated in forever but hear me out! I am writing several very long chaptered books to post on here but there is an awful thing called writers block. Since I hate it when authors start a really good book and disappear until a year later when they post again- I am writing them completely out before posting them. I am sorry if this makes you angry. However!!! If you would like to know what they're about or what fandom or even just have tips or anything- let me know!!! Please!!! I love to hear from my readers!!!


Alright Y'all- yes I said Y'all. So I'm starting some new books- they are not from the usual fandom I write about but they are being written right now anyway. Should I complete them before posting them or should I start posting them now and make you guys wait forever to read the next chapter?