
To everyone effected by any of the crashes, you're in my prayers. I personally know someone who was in Manhattan at the time, and the story's are devastating. 




@SmexyHell I'll recommend my story. Repercussions. It's a story that speaks about the han emotions such as fears, doubts and uncertainties. 


@SmexyHell  My star's light is overrated
            It started with a converse
             The last virgin standing
             The Cell Phone Swap
             Storm and Silence
             Baking with boys
             Next level player
             A thousand words
            High school hit list
             Thee hooded figure walls
             His nerd next door


Honestly, I wasn't going to tell anyone. I know that you probably hate getting notifications, but I finally feel like I should let you guys know. I went to a mental place, where they text you. My mom, she thinks I am. My dad, doesn't. I'm too embarrassed to tell anybody else. Sometimes I hear voices in my head. And sometimes I cut. But I'm not crazy. It was a counselor who recommended it. Idk what to do. Someone help.


@SmexyHell i understand that feeling, I have paranoia and its constant for me to see and hear things, but i am afraid to tell anyone. But feel free to message me to talk about anything like this


So today was my first day of school, and on the bus, which has highschool and middle school (I'm in highschool but still saving for a car) this middle school ram up to me, and basically told me I was pretty and asked to sit with me. So I said yes, because she seemed nice. Then she followed me on Instagram. She looked at one of my photos, from a family members meeting, and said "is this your boyfriend? Cuz he's hot" it was so weird tho because it was my brother, who's in college, when this girls in like 6th grade.


Well you must have a real hot brother for  her to say that lmao. 