
Herrowh! Herrowh! Anyone know how to advertise your story on here? It used to be easier before ...


Thanks for the follow (~_^) FYI, I'm an anime freak too! :D


@Smirker sure! :D *fist bump*


Hey, no problem. I'm going to try and check out your stories soon. If they're anything like your bio, I'm sure I'll enjoy them :-). Yay! Anime freaks forever! *fist bump*


omg i think we might be soulmates


@hae_cceity Well since there's not really much to your bio/profile at the moment, shall we settle for a mutual follow? ^_^ And you're welcome ... for the vote.


@Smirker well you can check out my profile coz I've already stalked yours :) that's it how I knew.... but I guess we could just start talking on the assumption my bio is like yours :)


@hae_cceity Lol. And how do you propose we do that, may I ask?


I wanted to send this message to your inboxes directly but Wattpad wouldn't let me. So I have to do it this way (Meh):
          I hope you're having a great day. I know this message might seem a bit weird because a) We haven't spoken before or b) We haven't really spoken much or c) It's been a while since we last spoke. For that, you have my heart felt apologies.
          So, I'm going to be direct with you because... well... I prefer people being direct with me if they want something. I'd like to ask you for a favour because I have a feeling some, if not all of you, may be able to help me.
          I'm trying to win a competition on a site called Jukepop. It's basically like Wattpad. In order to win the competition, you need to gain the most votes. So, if possible, could you check out my story on there and vote for it? You can find it here:

          I would really, really, really appreciate it and I'm only asking you because a) You're following me because you like me and therefore wouldn't mind voting (I hope. Heh heh.). Or b) You like my stories so you would love to read my work and maybe help spread the love by voting (Eeek!). And if neither of those reasons apply to you... why are you following me? *freaked out face*
          (Just kidding. Don't leave me. Please ;-p) 
          All right. I've taken enough of your time now. (Please vote!) I'll let you go. (Pretty pleeease???) 
          Thank you
          (Oh and if you do decide to vote, please inbox me. I would love to thank you personally. Don't be shy. Heh heh)