
Don't know if this will reach the people following me but since I hopefully assume this will I have a few updates. 
          	- I'm not entirely off the site and no I'm not going to be getting off anytime soon
          	- I know my updates have become non exisent but let's just say.... Motivation is down at an all time low... I'm sorry
          	- If at all any updates for back to regular posting new chapters my guess is spring time.
          	- My main hope and goal is to continue writing some chapters but don't expect anything great. 
          	Let me once again deeply apologize for my slacking, I do love writing my stories and I have plenty more that I want to write but I have to finish my started ones right? Just know I won't be entirely gone and try to stay up to date with questions and anything else, and hopefully this isn't the last but... Thanks for reading and Enjoy your day!


this message may be offensive
@Smokeprice1  I will wait until you comeback your stories are really fucking good


Don't know if this will reach the people following me but since I hopefully assume this will I have a few updates. 
          - I'm not entirely off the site and no I'm not going to be getting off anytime soon
          - I know my updates have become non exisent but let's just say.... Motivation is down at an all time low... I'm sorry
          - If at all any updates for back to regular posting new chapters my guess is spring time.
          - My main hope and goal is to continue writing some chapters but don't expect anything great. 
          Let me once again deeply apologize for my slacking, I do love writing my stories and I have plenty more that I want to write but I have to finish my started ones right? Just know I won't be entirely gone and try to stay up to date with questions and anything else, and hopefully this isn't the last but... Thanks for reading and Enjoy your day!


this message may be offensive
@Smokeprice1  I will wait until you comeback your stories are really fucking good


Hey! Thanks for voting on my story, I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you have any feedback, please don't hesitate to tell me!


@Smokeprice1 again thanks for checking it out, I really hope you like reading it, cheers mate!


Hey I’m just glad I found an actual Witcher story. Plan on reading it after work!