
Im sorry to say but I moved to AO3 so sorry to the people who where waiting for my books to update. You can follow my AO3 if you want but im not on here anymore. My AO3 is lxvleyzenny. I might copy my Depth book and post it on AO3 along with finish the darn thing. I kinda lost hope for it but some people seem to like it a lot so ill try my best.


@SmolBean_x Are you really done with Wattpad and depth omg I'm so sad 


Im sorry to say but I moved to AO3 so sorry to the people who where waiting for my books to update. You can follow my AO3 if you want but im not on here anymore. My AO3 is lxvleyzenny. I might copy my Depth book and post it on AO3 along with finish the darn thing. I kinda lost hope for it but some people seem to like it a lot so ill try my best.


@SmolBean_x Are you really done with Wattpad and depth omg I'm so sad 


I changed all the covers of my books to seulgi from red velvet because she is a queen and is very nice looking. I tried adding a filter but it isn’t really noticeable? Well I hope you like them (•ө•)♡