
didn’t just want to protect him, he needed to protect him, to take care of him, to be close to his mate so he can monitor his state consistently. 


this message may be offensive
"Grian tried to give Scar his best smile, one that said ‘I am a harmless peon, I am happy to be here. I am not going to use terrorism and blowjobs to ruin your life and see everything you love and work towards destroyed you fucking monster.’ He guessed it worked because Scar smiled back. "


im back bitches!”
          Draco could only sigh in relief that no customers were currently present when Pansy waltzed in the door exclaiming loudly, her tinted sunglasses pushed up on top of her head.
          “You’re full of energy early in the morning, huh?”
          “Well, I did sleep for most of yesterday and managed to indulge in one too many espresso shots so yeah, I’ve got no understanding of time anymore. I might end up dead on the floor halfway through the day, who knows. Just enjoy my current mood of energy and happiness, alright!”
          Not mine 


that Arthur should probably shove certain things in certain places that alone and without lubrication sounded rather unsatisfactory to Arthur (though of course if said objects were put in certain places and used in just the right way with Merlin there then the king could probably be brought to reconsider said suggestions).