
Hi everyone! I know a lot of you guys are waiting for updates and new stories (which I’m working on slowly) but I’ll be honest with you... I haven’t been on much over the last year. My mother was sick and I had a lot going on in my personal life. (I still do tbh) So I’ve kind of been... off the radar. Please bare with me x 
          	Thank you to everyone who has left comments below - can’t reply to ‘em all else I’ll never get these updates done lol 
          	Love x
          	PS (there’s something new on the way. And it will be posted once complete - no waiting for updates) 


Hello, I hope and you are well.  I'm a Harry Potter fan, I see that you have a story that I would like to translate into Spanish from #Snamione, so that more people can enjoy it, I would like your permission to do so.  I would give you your credits obviously.  I wait your answer :3


Hi everyone! I know a lot of you guys are waiting for updates and new stories (which I’m working on slowly) but I’ll be honest with you... I haven’t been on much over the last year. My mother was sick and I had a lot going on in my personal life. (I still do tbh) So I’ve kind of been... off the radar. Please bare with me x 
          Thank you to everyone who has left comments below - can’t reply to ‘em all else I’ll never get these updates done lol 
          Love x
          PS (there’s something new on the way. And it will be posted once complete - no waiting for updates)